
We collaborate with prestigious partners, both nationally and internationally.

Over time, our network has expanded with exclusive collaborations, strengthening relationships with key stakeholders in the metalworking sector, even beyond territorial boundaries.

Regional Partners

Regione FVG

COMET, su delega della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, coordina le iniziative volte allo sviluppo della filiera metalmeccanica regionale per i settori attinenti alla meccanica, termoelettromeccanica, componentistica, materie plastiche, macchinari e produzioni in metallo.

Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa

Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa è un organismo della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia creato per avvicinare le politiche regionali in ambito lavorativo e produttivo alle esigenze delle aziende, promuovendo la conoscenza e l’utilizzo delle risorse offerte dal sistema regionale e supportando la creazione di nuovi progetti imprenditoriali e lavorativi.

Collabora, in sinergia con la Regione e partner qualificati del territorio, per assistere le imprese nei progetti di investimento, espansione o riqualificazione, offrendo consulenze e informazioni su misura. Sviluppa progetti, studi e analisi per contribuire a rendere le politiche pubbliche a sostegno delle imprese e del mercato del lavoro più efficaci e in linea con le necessità del territorio.

Sprint FVG

SPRINT FVG – One-Stop Shop for Business Internationalization of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia brings together the actors of the Italian System for Internationalization, serving as a single access point to national and regional entities operating in the field of business internationalization.

The goal of SPRINT FVG is to support businesses and the regional economic system in utilizing the financial, insurance, promotional, and technical assistance tools offered by the Italian System and regional entities. These resources are essential for implementing internationalization projects, exploring new development opportunities, and fostering export and investment activities.


Partner Nazionali

“Fabbrica Intelligente” National Technological Cluster

By regional delegation, COMET represents the manufacturing sector of Friuli Venezia Giulia within the “Fabbrica Intelligente” National Technological Cluster.

By focusing on research and innovation, the “Fabbrica Intelligente” National Technological Cluster strives to develop and implement a strategy aimed at increasing the sector’s competitiveness on an international scale. “Fabbrica Intelligente” concurrently dictates the guidelines for transforming the Italian manufacturing sector, by moving towards new product systems, processes, technologies and production systems, in line with the European Union’s Strategic Agendas in the field of research and innovation.

Partner Internazionali

Cluster Mechatronik & Automation | Augsburg


As a result of the protocol signed between the FVG region and the German region of Augsburg, COMET has launched a business plan with the Cluster Mechatronik & Automation. A Cluster composed of key companies in the international mechatronics, plant engineering and industrial automation sectors.

Companies that cover almost the entire value chain in the automotive, rail and aerospace sectors.

ACstyria Mobilitätscluster


COMET has entered into an operational partnership with ACstyria Mobilitätscluster. A group of more than 290 Styrian companies specialised in the mobility sector that accounts for almost the entire supply chain in the automotive, rail and aerospace sectors.

Training and Workshops Partners


Forma.Temp is the Fund for training and income support for temporary agency workers, established as a free association and operating on a non-profit basis. The Fund’s members include the two representative associations of Employment Agencies (ApL) – Assolavoro and Assosomm, the trade unions representing agency workers (FelSA-CISL, NIDIL-CGIL, UILTemp), and the three trade union confederations (CGIL, CISL, and UIL).

Sprint FVG

SPRINT FVG – One-Stop Shop for Business Internationalization of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia brings together the actors of the Italian System for Internationalization, serving as a single access point to national and regional entities operating in the field of business internationalization.